Friday, 23 December 2011

16 Cables

Only 2 days until Christmas!

A few months ago I was listening to one of my favourite knitting podcasts, Never Not Knitting, when Alana mentioned a hat that she had made and loved.  If something sounds interesting to me when I'm listening to the podcasts, I'll check out the pattern.  This pattern was indeed awesome, and it was called the 16 Cable Hat.  Better yet, it was free!  Or so I thought...  I was about a year behind on my podcast listening so this lovely pattern that was new to me apparently had some problems in the year since the podcast was recorded.

Turns out the designer was having some sort of issue with the ravelry store and tax reporting and blah blah blah I don't remember the details, but anyway, the pattern was not available.  I was heartbroken since I had become completely obsessed with this hat since "discovering" it.  Many other knitters seemed to be as heartbroken as I was that this gorgeous pattern was not available, and some had tried to suggest alternative patterns that were similar.

One such pattern was the Star Crossed Slouchy Beret, and this pattern IS free.  It is similar to the 16 cable hat and it's still quite stunning, but I'll be honest, I don't like it quite as much.  So today when I decided to look up the 16 cable hat pattern again, hardly daring to hope, I was thrilled to discover that it is now available on ravelry, however it is no longer free.  I don't really care though, good patterns are worth the money.  Pretty sure this pattern is going to be a Christmas present to myself.  Thanks, self!

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